Friday, April 17, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
some notes regarding the cooking of pork
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
ad infinitum from berry
at length from berry
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Sunday, April 5, 2009
repas frugal

winter's blood
this is a quickly written work in progress. any suggestions are welcome. i just jotted it down this weekend and my brother Kanaan kind of liked it, so i figured it couldn't be all that bad. he's got some taste in such things. anyhow, as far as the last little triplet, i couldn't let it go by without giving props to Big Ty Antkowiak for telling me that Aslan is on the move while i shoveled snow early thursday morning. kinda made my day, and definitely made this poem.
i am an undertaker, shoveling away the dead.
our enemy, our lawless queen of ice and cold
is falling fast, and falling faster into the pit I dig.
Her icy east wind cannot stop my work
our king has come, though he is not here yet,
his breath melts the ice, his eyes warm the sun
i scrape away her minions' bones, i toss them
under the saplings that eat them and grow strong.
i stand ankle deep in my enemies' blood,
and wonder if my hands will ever be warm again.
the king will warm them when he comes, when he
drives away usurpers and warms us all again.
i am a feeble man, i only shovel snow. weak in body,
weak in mind, small in heart, and small in grace,
yet such as i do contend with spirits, giants,
drakes, and monsters and bury the Enemy Death.
our King will come, has come, is now coming,
and in His mouth a sword to strike down the evil one.
these things i think when, while i shovel winter
off the sidewalks, one of our giants picks me up,
and roars with joy that aslan is on the move.
one of the greatest phrases i've ever read
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
the ocean
you know i always miss the ocean
on stormy days i miss its waves
and on the clear days too
cause three thousand miles are just
too many for my toes to trip
when we've just got a weekend.
i know the gut-punching sickness
that comes on darker nights
when i wake up and there you
and how i've wished to weep
for now i know how it is to be alone
the slap of water in the sink,
any mirrored flash of light,
the frozen fountain in
the frozen square below
they all remind me of the ocean
and of the suns embrace
and loneliness loves to gnaw at my guts
its chewed all through my
for you are gone so i'm not here;
pray God someday
that all of that will change
is this what earth feels like to heav'n
(now am i not absurd?)
but i say sometime in the sunlight
when on the highest crest of hills
when dancing with our life's true love
we long for what we do not know.
i'm the soul-less type
oh for a soul not brow-beaten
not dragged for miles behind a bandwagon,
a soul quiet and peace-full,
a soul that can weep at Mozart